Thursday 27 December 2012

Jar of Thoughts....

I am quite, quite happy to have been wrong in the allocation of Hauschka Code names at the start of this blog. Louis Smith was coded "Rythmic Night Conditioner" as amongst its ingredients is silver, the colour of the medal he picked up in the summer Olympics.  However, he struck gold in the Strictly Final, with a magical showdance routine

 'You blew me away. That had grace, fluidity and was sensual. That was brave to do - such a graceful and seamless dance. Very different from anything else I've seen in a show dance.' - Darcey Bussell

My next sentence is quite ironic, given that all their products gently work in harmony with the rhythms of nature, but here goes...Dr.Hauschka is a brave brand, it differs from anything else I've encountered in the ever expanding beauty market.  It is almost as if we have been brainwashed by advertising to expect tricks and a "clever science bit"; somehow products appear less valid if they don't come with a host of unpronounceable chemicals and flashy claims. 

New Year is naturally a time of reflection. All too often I find I am guilty of dwelling on the negatives - the "should have -would have- could haves", the things I find lacking and wanting in my life.  In a deluge of darkness I totally disregard the advice of the Peace Pilgrim:

 'If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought...'

So today, I was delighted to spy this lovely idea posted on Facebook. 

Many moons ago, one of my posts (Friend Number 159 and the Magic of Eight)  reflected on the notion that Dr.Hauschka products are "Bottled Love".  This idea immediately echoed in my mind (I also thought of the song Jar of Hearts, but then I do have a dancing grasshopper mind!).

I smiled simply imagining the positive energy captured in such a jar.   Remember, good things don't have to be huge, monumental, life changing events; just anything that you are grateful for, anything that brings love, laughter, joy and light into your life (especially in the dark times.)  I am going to call it my "Jar of Thoughts" (only positive ones allowed!) I already know my first entry:

January 1st 2013: Blessed to have the magic of Dr.Hauschka in my life

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Bring Me Sunshine...Witch Hazel Style

This morning, instead of the usual magic of Kew Gardens, it felt like I had been transported to the closing scenes of a Stephen King novel.  There is something quite sinister about a fairground organ playing Silent Night, especially when it is in the grey morning mist and you can’t actually see the rides.  I could hear frantic rustling noises emanating from the nearby  Skimmia bushes, which with their own incongruous, pungent curry aroma only added to the feeling I was somehow in the twilight zone.  Fortunately, the noise turned out to be a rather cheeky squirrel, which scurried passed doing a pretty impressive Tommy Cooper “just like that” impersonation en route.  Alas, my lens cover was safely secured to my camera so no chance of me recording his antics, superimposing a fez onto the shot and making a fortune in the novelty greetings card market!    I was about to abort trip and return when I almost literally stumbled upon a witch – thankfully not the Blair Witch, but Witch Hazel or Hamamelis virginiana to be all Latin and posh.. camera lens safely removed and shots taken, although there really was no danger of the plant scuttling away:

Witch Hazel absorbs sunlight throughout the spring and summer, but does not release any of the collected energy at this time.  It is only in the winter months with the blossoming of the star-shaped flowers, that it opens itself to the world, delivering the entire concentrated power of the sun in a burst of brightness.  It is one of the key plants in Dr.Hauschka Skin Care;  essences from the leaves and bark are used in one of my favourite products - Blackthorn Body Wash - as well as in almost all face care products (think glorious Facial Toner), use these products and let sunshine flood into your life, whatever the season:
 In terms of Strictly this all brought to mind Lisa’s Quick Step from Week 9, to the tune of Bring me Sunshine (this is exactly what the Witch Hazel did for me this morning and Dr.Hauschka products do on a daily basis!)

Lisa was definitely the contestant who brought sunshine into Strictly 2012 and I, like many others, was sad to see her exit the competition last Sunday evening ; (